Description To The Music CD /Beschreibung zur Music CD

OPUS 1 Bardo of Becoming - Srid pai Bardo

Kyema! Dag La Si pa Bar do Tschar Dü dir / Dün pa tseg tschig sem la sung dschä nä / Sang po lä gyi tröl nen gyi tü / Ngäl go gag nä ru Lo dren par dscha / nying rü dag nang gö pai dü chig Yin / mig ser pang nä Lama yab yum gom.

Kyema! (O now),when the Bardo of (taking) Rebirth upon me is dawning! May I be able to continue the course of good Karma through repeated efforts; May the womb-door be closed and the revulsion recollected; The time has come when perserverance and pure view of the circumstances are needed. In order to meditate without jealousy upon the Guru father-mother in union (yab-yum).

The music describes: appearances short after death and states of rebirth, sounds forces of nature, storms, pursecution, visions of the 6 realms of being. Selection of a new form of existance - rebirth.

1) Hell - realms (cold and hot hells)

2) Preta-realm (realm of the hungry ghosts) 3) Animal realm

4) Jealous Demigod-realm (Titanes, Demigods Of War)

5) God´s Realm

6) Human Beings/Earth / the 4 continents, selection of parents/ Union /Rebirth as a human being

OPUS 2 Bardo between Birth and Death- Skes-Gnas Bardo

Kyema! Dag La gye nä Bardo Tschar dü Dir/ Tsce la long me le lo pang dsche nä/ Thö sam gom Ma yeng lam la dschug/ nang sem lam long-ku sum Ngön Gyur dscha/ mi lü len tschig thob pai tü thso dir/ Yeng ma lam la dö pai dü tshö min/

Kyema! (O now), when the Birthplace Bardo is dawing upon me, I should not be inactive, free of laziness undistractedly take the threefold path of listening, reflecting and deepening the meditation- experience. May vision manifest as a mental path of the 3 Kayas. Once that the human form has been attained, there is no time to stay in a distracted, unconcious life!

The music describes: union of ovum and sperm, growing and development of the embryo. Birth. . choir: Om Ah Hung. Different periods in lifetime. Getting old. End of the life. Choir: sem nyi ...

OPUS 3 Dream- Bardo - rMi lam Bardo

Kyema! Dag la mi lam Bardo tschar dü dir...

Kyema! (O now, when the dream Bardo is dawning upon me...)

Different appearences in dreams and time to use the practises of dreamyoga

OPUS 4 Bardo of Meditation - bSam gtan Bardo - Bardo of Samadhi and practice of mental stability.

OPUS 5 Bardo in the moment of death - Chi-kai i Bardo

The music describes: process of dying, dissolution of the elements as lightappearances and visions:

1. Earth in water - illusion ( fatamorgana)

2. Water in fire - smoke

3. Fire in wind- firesparks

4. Wind in conciousness - pure candle-light

5. Gross conciousness into shining - clear sky/ moonlight

6. Shining into glaring - sunlight

7. Glaring and approaching- darkness

Vision of the Clear Light

OPUS 6 Bardo of Dharmata (ultimate reality) - Chos nyid Bardo

Dawning of the peaceful deities:

1) Vairocana 2) Akshobya 3) Ratnasambhava 4) Amithabha 5) Amoghasiddi / all peaceful deities Mandalavision 6) 6 Buddhas of Bhavachakra :

Mantra: Om Mani Pad Me Hung

knowledgeholder deities / different Guardians and many more

7. Dawning of the wrathful deities- recognization of the Yidamdeity like a reflection of the own conciousness.

Melting into the Great Thigle/Mandala of peaceful and wrathful deities.

Gong - Silence

Entering the entrance of the paradise realm of Guru Rinpoche (or Amithaba) Reaching the enlightened state of the “victorious” Buddhas - Nirvana choir : Namo! Namo! Gyalwa....


1) Earth lam 2) Water bam 3) Fire ram 4) Wind yam 5) Space eh

Longlifechoir for H.H. Dalai Lama. Words of Compassion

The music is dedicated for peace and healing to all sentient beings!

Listen to soundexamples
Buy this orignal CD with blessing from Kalachakra-event &


Percussion, Sounds: Christian Münzberg, Flute: Johannes Wittmann,

Violin: Edmund Lehmann, E-Sitar: Anja M. Osthoff

Soprano: Klaudia Zita Regös (Opus 1-3), Soprano / Mezzosoprano: Regina Alagno (Opus 2), Mezzosoprano / Alto: Kirtan Götze (Opus 1-3), Tenor / Bariton / Bass: Anders Holte (Opus 1-4), Monkorchestra / Longhorns: Gangtey Monastery, Bhutan (Opus 4)

Recording & Mix/Composition: Anja M. Osthoff


Soprano 1: Delcina Stevenson, Soprano 2: Regine Alagno, Alto: Kirtan Götze,

Bariton / Bass: Christoph Averbeck, Tabla/Erhard Dengl /Recording & Mix: Raoul Walton, Munich


Soprano: Regine Alagno, Deep voice bass: Geshe Thubten Soepa,

Flute / Dideridoo / bowls: Johannes Wittmann, Viola: Brigitte Dettling,

E-Sitar / E-Guitar / E-Bass / Recording & Mix / Midi-Instrumente: Anja M. Osthoff


Soprano1: Delcina Stevenson, Sopran 2: Elke Slawitschek, Mezzosoprano: Regine Alagno,

Alto1 and 2: Kirtan Götze, Tenor / Bariton: Kimako X. Trotman, Bass: Anders Holte

Recording & Mix: Guido Hieronymus, Munich

CD Mastering: Uli Eisner München

Scientific instructions & organisation Graz: Dr. Andrea Loseries-Leick
Special thanks to:

S. E. Gangtey Tulku Rinpoche, Bhutan - the Monks and Nuns of Gangtey Monastery -
Geshe Thubten Soepa, Dr. J. Panglung Rinpoche (Text Opus 5-6)

Dr. Grönbold (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek), Konni Krause (Übersetzung Opus 1-4), Björn Kurt (Movie-editing), Sven Ramoun & Uli, Steinberg AG -Serviceteam, Uli Eisner, Raoul Walton, Maria Riegger, Horst Waibel, Ulli Kienzler, Yeshe Khorlo Deutschland e.V., Günther Eyb Guitars designed E-Sitar, Günther und Ingrid Hala, Robert Osthoff, Stefan Negele, Manfred Schwarzbauer, Edo Micic, DIE ERZEUGER Graz, Kruno Stubican (Bilder, 3 D Animation, CD-Cover-Design)


(Thanks for pictures by Kruno Stubican, and Khyentse Monastery)

Damals gesponsert von:
Kunst.-Bundeskanzleramt (Austria), Stadt Graz Kultur